Overcoming Irreproducibility in Life Science Research

Sponsored by: Rapid Novor, Inc & Absolute Antibody

Our team, along with four other industry panelists, discuss ways to safeguard their research through recombinant antibodies, cell culturing procedures, antibody protein sequences, and reference identifiers.

Full Webinar Panelists:

  • Andrew Bradbury, CSO at Specifica
    “Drug-Like Antibodies from Selections”
  • Michael Fiebig, VP Product Portfolio & Innovation at Absolute Antibody
    “Why Go Recombinant? Take Your Experiments Further…”
  • Alicia Henn, CSO at BioSpherix
    “Truly Reproducible Conditions for Cells and Tissues”
  • Zac McDonald, Sr. Scientist & Manager at Rapid Novor
    “Safeguarding Research with De Novo Protein Sequencing”
  • Anita Bandrowski, CEO at SciCrunch
    “Why Should You Support RRIDs?”

Brief background on reproducibility challenges in life sciences

Reproducibility is an integral part of the research, and in particular in the life sciences where multiple variables are inherent to experiments with biological reagents. Particularly, antibodies are a central and critical part of this research but reproducibility is a challenge often associated with their success across a variety of applications.