130+ citations for the first Novor algorithm
20 years of algorithm development

Get more out of your bottom-up proteomics data.
Advantages with REpAb® Polyclonal Antibody Sequencing.
Discover more
Get 10-20% more peptide sequence matches1. See what you’re missing. Have more confidence in your results.
Get answers faster
Novor cloud is 30 to 100X faster1 than other search engines. This means results in minutes, not hours or days.
Search all known sequences
The NCBI nr database contains all sequences publicly known in any public database. No other search engine can handle its size.
Easy to use
No need for expert tuning of tolerances and PTM settings. Our AI means that novice users can get good results even with ‘wide open’ or default parameters.
Easy to share
Share your results with a colleague or client simply by sharing a secure link. It’s all online, so no ‘viewer’ software is required.
Yes, it’s free for commercial and academic use. In the future we will charge depending on usage or specific features. Some parts will remain free.
1. Reinhardt et al. 2021 ASMS Poster Abstract ID 30823
No Training Required.
What it does:
- De novo sequencing
- Database search – peptide sequence matches and resulting protein identifications
- Summary of results – de novo, peptides and protein groups all in one
- (Yes, including post-translational modifications)

Mobile Column Active
Turn Polyclonal Antibodies into rAbs.
Polyclonal antibodies (pAb) are extensively used to address challenging targets. But, they suffer from batch-to-batch variability, require culling many animals, and are notoriously difficult to characterize, limiting their use. With REpAb®, a pAb mixture can be sequenced to secure robust mAb clones for recombinant antibody (rAb) expression and recapitulate the polyclonal response.

What it doesn’t do:
- Anything else.

How REpAb® Antibody Discovery Works.
How REpAb® Antibody Discovery Works.
The REpAb® approach can sequence and express mAbs directly from a polyclonal mixture isolated from a single donor – a Rapid Novor first. Genomic information can be added to the workflow if available. REpAb® can start with either a pAb mixture of interest, a new immunization or the blood of your immunized animal. The work results in mAb sequences that are then used to recombinantly express a number of distinct antibodies that bind to the original antigen (optionally, your team can conduct the recombinant expression step). Binding is confirmed prior to delivery.
The REpAb® approach can sequence and express mAbs directly from a polyclonal mixture isolated from a single donor – a Rapid Novor first. Genomic information can be added to the workflow if available. REpAb® can start with either a pAb mixture of interest, a new immunization or the blood of your immunized animal. The work results in mAb sequences that are then used to recombinantly express a number of distinct antibodies that bind to the original antigen (optionally, your team can conduct the recombinant expression step). Binding is confirmed prior to delivery.
Talk to Our Scientists.
We Have Sequenced 4000+ Antibodies and We Are Eager to Help You.
Through next generation protein sequencing, Rapid Novor enables reliable discovery and development of novel reagents, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Thanks to our Next Generation Protein Sequencing and antibody discovery services, researchers have furthered thousands of projects, patented antibody therapeutics, and developed the first recombinant polyclonal antibody diagnostics.
We Have Sequenced 3000+ Antibodies and We Are Eager to Help You.
Through next generation protein sequencing, Rapid Novor enables timely and reliable discovery and development of novel reagents, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Thanks to our Next Generation Protein Sequencing and antibody discovery services, researchers have furthered thousands of projects, patented antibody therapeutics, and ran the first recombinant polyclonal antibody diagnostics